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Information from the Diocese


Fr Zbigniew Pieczuro                  Fr Ntsikelelo Mambatha

10 March 2023

Good day to All of our web friends. After a long period of more than two years, we are back to let you know that soon we will start to update our website. Please give us some time to do so since we have to put a lot of materials backing up the last two years.

God bless you All. 

11 July 

Welcome back Fr Ntsikelelo to our Diocese. Hopefully, you will be with us a little longer. Thank you for your willingness to help in the pastoral work and we are happy to have you with us. God bless you.

2 July

Farewell Father!!! 

Fr. Zbigniew Pieczuro, parish priest of Graaff-Reinet is going back to Poland after 16 years working in South Africa. We wish you, Father, much of God's blessing and THANK YOU for your pastoral work in our diocese.


1 July

Welcome, Fr Paul Koscielny to Graaff-Reinet as the new parish priest of this community. We wish you all the best in your new home.


21 June

Happy Father's Day. Much blessings and good wishes to All our Fathers. 

20 June

Memorial of The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary


19 June

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Congratulations to Graaff-Reinet and Petrusville Communities on the Patronal Feast of your Parishes and to the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Bp Adam and Fr Paul).


18 June

St John Parish reinstated the parish activities after the long period of staying away during the lockdown.

14 June

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), Solemnity. The Cathedral church is already decorated for Sunday celebration.

7 June

In some of our Church Communities, we celebrated The Holy Trinity Sunday. Most of our churches were not opened due to the fact that the local services did not disinfect the buildings. Hopefully, more churches will be opened for 14 June on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ since this year no one participated during the Last Supper Mass on the Holy Thursday.

1 June

After the President's announcement I have given permission for reopening of our churches but under the condition that all the health measures must be duly followed according to the instruction given to Priests. If this is not assured any reopening will NOT take place. 

Bp Adam Musialek SCJ

31 May, Pentecost Sunday

A day of prayer for healing from coronavirus


26 May 

President Cyril Ramaphosa called for a day of prayer on coronavirus on 31 MAy 2020 and resumption of religious activities from the 1 June 2020


24 May, Ascension Sunday


- 2020 -



Screening for COVID-19

If your answer is YES to any of the following questions you should not go to a church service but isolate yourself at home and seek testing.

1. Do you have a high temperature

                                              (38 C +)?

2. Do you have a cough?

3. Do you have a sore throat?

4. Do you have difficulty in breathing                               (shortness of breath)?

5. Do you feel weak and tired today?

6. Have you lost your normal sense of taste of       food and drink?

7. Have you lost your normal sense of smell?


(Standard operating procedure for screening at schools in South Africa as from 1 June 2020)

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